
‘When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised God doesn’t work that way, so I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.’ — Emo Philips



Okay, Ladies. a tip from Secret Santa:

- “Treat a bum like a prince, and a prince like a bum - a little boy like a big man, and a big man like a little boy - a professor like a prizefighter and a prizefighter like a professor; but don’t ever let the bum forget he’s a bum - the prince, a prince - the little boy, still a little boy.”


‘Save a little money each month and at the end of the year you’ll be surprised at how little you have.’ —Ernest Haskins

Emma Watson Punches Interviewer

La Vita Nuova

In that book which is
My memory . . .
On the first page
That is the chapter when
I first met you
Appear the words . . .
Here begins a new life

Dante Alighieri


Why, I had no idea.... HAPPY ZAPPADAN!!!

Zappadan is an annual blogswarm for Frank Zappa. Mister Zappa died on December 4, and his birthday was December 22. We bloggers celebrate the life, political philosophy, and music, of Frank Zappa from December 4-22. See for more info.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the Zapptist celebration during the opening of Zappadan.

The first (or 17th) day of Zappadan was originally known as Enttäuschung Nacht - German for 'bummer night' - but over the years it has been Americanized to the much simpler BummerNacht. This being the anniversary of Mister Zappa's death, the original meaning is rather obvious, and we shall not delve further into it here.

Far from being a day of mourning, however, it is a day of great joy, for Zapptists known that a mere seventeen days later, on December 21st (Zero Day), Frank Zappa was born.

Traditionally, children are not allowed to participate in the celebration of BummerNacht, although teenagers are winked at if they decide to 'run down to the library and not return until some ungodly hour of the night'. Celebrants are often seen cavorting to the exotic sound of the Mystery Horn while gorging on burnt weenie sandwiches and guzzling white port and lemon juice.
